The bank account you transfer your funds to must be confirmed. Your confirmed accounts are visible in the "IBAN number" menu. The bank accounts are confirmed automatically when you make wire transfer deposits to BenchMark.
If you have not made a bank deposit and do not have a confirmed account, you have to send us a photo or a scanned copy of a bank document which confirms that the bank account belongs to you. You can attach a photo or a scanned copy from the button
Attach a document
BenchMark is obliged to demand and respectively store the information, provided by you in its capacity as a licensed intermediary and administrator of personal details.
When withdrawing from a client's account via express wire transfer (RINGS), the expenses are on behalf of the client according to the current tariff of the bank. The express wire transfers are processed until 13:00 GMT.
Bank wire withdrawals are accepted 24/7 and are executed every business day between 07:00 and 14:45 GMT.
A list of all withdrawals and their status can be tracked on My Transactions page.